Permaculture Videos Free
Bill Mollison Permaculture Videos:
Bill Mollison Reveals The Permaculture Fundamentals
In The Series Of Free Videos Below

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The Permaculture Concept With Bill Mollison:

In Grave Danger Of Falling Food Permaculture Video
Part 1 "You wouldn't welcome anybody who laid waste to their house and wanted to live in yours!"  In this free video Bill Mollison shares his deep understanding of nature and how a stable permaculture system can supply all our needs while we embrace and enrich nature (9 minutes and 59 seconds)...

In Grave Danger Of Falling Food Permaculture Video
Part 2 Bill Mollison says permaculture will work anywhere.  All you have to do is plant.  He demonstrates how to grow food in a high rise apartment including a mini aquaculture system.  And much more including how over half the world's food production consists of 4 crops: wheat, rice, maize and potatoes and the very real hazards that limited food production brings (9 minutes 59 seconds)...

In Grave Danger Of Falling Food Permaculture Video
Part 3 Permaculture is a connecting system involving many different disciplines...agriculture, architecture, power supply and more.  You can grow a garden in a few weeks that will grow you vegetable and timber for your whole life.
(9 minutes and 59 seconds)...

In Grave Danger Of Falling Food Permaculture Video
Part 4 In a chicken factory it takes 9 eggs worth of energy to produce just one egg. That leaves the waste of 8 eggs worth of energy (usually pollution from burning coal or oil) to clear up.  In a permaculture system we grow food for the chicken, use chickens to dig our gardens and eat pests and we get high quality organic eggs and chickens to eat (9 minutes 59 seconds)...

In Grave Danger Of Falling Food Permaculture Video
Part 5 Every 3 inches of leaf litter can absorb 1 inch of water.  You can look at a rainforest as a tree system or you can look at it as a lake. The forest is a cloud generator and will create 5 or 6 times the water as a bare landscape
(9 minutes 59 seconds)...

In Grave Danger Of Falling Food Permaculture Video
Part 6 A permaculture garden of Eden built from bare desolate soil.  People say to me "Will permaculture work?"  I say to them "Will plants grow?!"
(2 minutes 32 seconds)

More Free Video To Come:
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